Question Types


The select question type lets you collect a selection from a (possibly large) number of options.

Here's a simple example:

let url = "";
let response = await form.fetch(url);
let cities = response.text.split("\n");
await"What is your favorite city in England?", cities);

Which generates a question that looks like this:


A select requires a list of choices to be passed as the second argument. This can either be an array of plain strings, or an array of Choices.

A Choice is an object that contains the label and value keys. The user only sees the label, but both the label and the value of the chosen answers are saved.

For example, these are both valid calls to select:

// Plain strings
await'What is your favorite color?', [
  'Red', 'Green',  'Yellow', 'Blue', 'Lilac',

// Choices
await'What is your favorite color?', [
  {label: 'Red', value: '#FF0000'},
  {label: 'Green', value: '#00FF00'},
  {label: 'Yellow', value: '#FFFF00'},
  {label: 'Blue', value: '#0000FF'},
  {label: 'Lilac', value: '#C8A2C8'},

Selecting Multiple Options

By default a select question assumes that you only want the user to make one selection. Set the multiple field to true to allow multiple selection:

await"What is your favorite city in England?", cities, {
  multiple: true

Return Value

select() returns a Choice representing the user's selection. Here's an example, assuming the user picked Red:

let colors = await'What is your favorite color?', [
  'Red', 'Green',  'Yellow', 'Blue', 'Lilac',

form.log(colors); // {label: 'Red', value: 'Red'}

colors = await'What is your favorite color?', [
  {label: 'Red', value: '#FF0000'},
  {label: 'Green', value: '#00FF00'},
  {label: 'Yellow', value: '#FFFF00'},

form.log(colors); // {label: 'Red', value: '#FF0000'}

If the multiple option is enabled, select returns an array of Choice objects instead.


You can pass options to select like so:

await'What is your favorite color?', [
  'Red', 'Green',  'Yellow', 'Blue', 'Lilac',
], {
  single: true,

Here's a list of all select-specific options:

Option Type
multiple boolean Allow more than one choice to be selected

You can also pass global options, which are valid for all question types.